You Need to Get Out of Your Head!

3 min readJun 24, 2024


Your only limitation is you.

If you know anything about female friendships, you would know that it’s no joke when you eventually find a real one. I saw my best friend crying last night, apparently, she’d been making poor choices in life. As the supportive friend that I am, I told her to embrace her mistakes.

She hugged me.

I’ve been deep in thought for at least 10 minutes, trying to figure out if I’m the mistake 😰.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

That was a joke.

Extreme self-consciousness can be the death of you. No, not physical death. Death of opportunities, beautiful experiences, and just moments that would never come back.

Imagine this: You’re invited out for a picnic by a friend but what you don’t know is that they also invited a bunch of other people. Now, an extrovert might like this but my fellow introvert would probably start feeling a bit self-conscious which is good but, if it is not regulated would lead to you not having a good time.

Many times we imagine people judging us, weighing our every word, and dissecting our every move but in reality, those people also think that other people are watching them.

It’s a merry-go-round of pretense judgment.

Don’t get me wrong, people do watch you, just like you watch other people to determine their character. But is it to a magnified extent? I think not.

Recall any easygoing person you have ever met. There’s always something similar in their approach — Their ability to get so interested in the person before them, that they forget about themselves for a bit.

I remember the first time I met someone who was very social. One of the first words they said to me between laughs was “I love you!!!” really loudly. In my overly conscious mind, I was like “You don’t even know me” but guess what, that statement alone made my heart warm and I felt so good.

Self-conscious people are very mindful, they know how to anticipate a need and meet it.

But sometimes, it would be more balanced if you could put it on and off like a switch, especially in social situations. This would help ease you into any social setting because you would think less of yourself and more about connecting with the people around you.

If there’s something I know, it’s that everything is a skill that can be learned. Start by focusing your attention and energy outward, toward other people. When you do this, you will find out that you begin to feel less self-conscious with time.

Don’t worry about who would or wouldn’t like you, just be yourself and remember that God will give you favor in the eyes of those who are meant to be in your life.

Use your consciousness to imagine, to feel, to create, to live. Not to rewind, regret, or retreat from people.

So yes, get out of your head and enjoy the gift that is people.

I’m not there yet, It’s a learning curve for me.

Till next time,

Love and light.


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Written by Passiveobservher

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